Three conference awards will be presented at the 2023 Human Behavior and Evolution Society conference: the New Investigator Award, which is awarded to a graduate student (or someone who defended their Ph.D. in 2023), the Post-Doctoral Research Award, which is awarded to an individual who received their PhD within the past 5 years, and the Best Poster Award, which is awarded to the individual who presented the best poster at the HBES conference.

To be eligible for the New Investigator or Post-Doctoral Awards, individuals must submit a manuscript corresponding with the abstract they have submitted for a talk. Your manuscript can have co-authors, but you must be the first author on the manuscript, and the manuscript must predominantly describe your own work. Note that the manuscript can be “in prep” (e.g., a pre-print), under review, or accepted for publication. A committee will review all eligible manuscripts and select three finalists for each award. These three finalists will give talks in a single session during the conference. Award winners will be selected based on these talks, and awards will be presented at the end of the conference. Note that individuals who submit as part of a symposium can also be considered for an award.

All posters will be eligible for the Best Poster Award. You need not contact us to be considered for the Best Poster Award.

Manuscripts should be submitted together with the abstract (there will be an option to upload the manuscript in the abstract submission form), and they must be received by February 1, 2023. Further questions regarding this procedure can be also directed to the conference organizers here.

Please note that HBES also will award Society Awards (Early Career Award, Lifetime Career Award, and the Margo Wilson Award) at the conference. More information about these awards can be found here.